Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Sunday, October 17, 2010

More Knitting

I started this pair of slipper socks using the Kumara Bed Socks pattern from last year's Christmas issue of Interweave Knits. I know I should be finishing up the Christmas projects I've put to the side, but I seem to be in sock knitting mode, and can't get out of it. I've finished the cuff portion of sock #1, and am ready to start the short-row heel. This is such a pretty design, and purple is my favorite color. After this pair of socks is complete, I promise I'll get back to my Christmas knitting. Wait...maybe I shouldn't promise...I'll try to get back to my Christmas knitting...


  1. That is a pretty pattern. I find I get more done if I work on the project I am wanting to do. Seems when I feel I have to stick with a specific thing it just don't work as well and takes twice as long. You will probably get them done quicker by doing the socks first since that is what has your interest.

    I enjoyed your songs last night. I enjoyed Dave singing with Jessie. I love to hear him sing IN the Garden. That is one of my favorite songs.

  2. Love the sock pattern. I need another pair of fingerless gloves. You gave me a pair a few years ago. love them..

    Did you know one the biggest things in home decorating now are cablestitch knitted pillows? They are very pricy too. A host on one of the HGTV shows suggested buying old sweaters at thrift stores and making your own..I thought..wouldn't they unravel when you cut them up?

  3. You'd have to steak them. I've never tried it, but supposedly, you can sew over your knitted fabric. The sewing keeps the stitches intact so you can cut it.

  4. I'm sorry, it's spelled "steeking" has a great article on the technique.

  5. beautiful. Kathy said Dayna's colors were purple.
