Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Getting Back To Life

Today has been a pretty normal day. Since I'm a night person, I normally lay in bed until Dave comes home for lunch. He came home a bit late, but not too much. I pilled Annie, and made the bed. After Dave left for the TV station, I heated myself up some low-fat pizza rolls, which I ate outside on the screened porch. In fact, I spent most of my afternoon out there knitting. Around 2:00, I watered the potted plants in the front yard, fed the cats, and rinsed out the coffee pot. Next, I gathered up the empty cat dishes, and put them in the sudsy water to soak, then I took the load of towels out of the dryer. Now, here I sit at my computer, a cat in my lap, waiting for Dave to come home from work. I know it's pretty routine, and makes for a boring post, but maybe that's what I need.


  1. Glad to hear things are getting normal around your house. We sure have prayed

  2. It sounds like a peaceful day to me.
