Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Sunday, October 3, 2010

I Shouldn't Be Driving...

Ok, here was the plan...
Saturday was the last day of the fair. Dave and I were to go over to the fair grounds today, so I could pick up my stuff, and he could pick up the radio van. I was to follow him over to the station, where he'd leave the van, and then we'd drive to the sonic for a coke. Simple, huh?

Well, here's what actually happened...
Dave and I went over to the fair ground, picked up my stuff, then loaded it all into the car. He then jumped into the van and headed for the station. I, on the other hand, got behind the wheel of the car and headed for home. I was about half way there, when I remembered I was supposed to be headed to the station. I turned down 20th street, toward Cherry st. Because I'm not used to going to Cherry from that direction (and because they don't seem to think street signs are necessary on that side of town), I passed it. I turned down tudor and drove, seemingly forever, until I managed to find a street that would go through to Fairfax, where I doubled back, returned to 20th, found Cherry, and finally made it to the radio station. Wow, talk about the long way! I parked, got out, and told Dave he'd better drive the rest of the way, because I apparantly can't be trusted behind the wheel of a car.


  1. Too funny. Sounds like something I would do. Even not with all Wesley's complications of thought he will say baby, where are you going and sure enough....I am headed somewhere else forgettiing where I am going.. Must be a Templeton thing. Great service the am. take heart. it's about to happen good for you, Dave and your cat family

  2. sorry bout the extra words and type o's

  3. I'm more conserned about you at the moment. We'll keep the cats totally separate until we figure something out if we have to.

  4. I have no comment about the driving thing Bitsi, except to say..I understand. Norma, I am thinking about little else except you..

  5. Everybody has those days. Sometimes when I go out in the car I just say to myself "you don't need to be driving and I try to get home and not go out untill my concentration is better.
    I praying for Norma, too.!!!

  6. thank you all. We should have a better answer about what is going on tomorrow. I see the oncologist at 2:30 tomorrow
