Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Autumn Sage

For the first time this year, my Autumn Sage is in full bloom. I guess it was just too hot during the summer for my potted plants. They bloomed beautifully in the spring, put out the occasional bloom during the heat of the of the summer, then rebloomed with the cooler temperatures of fall. My roses, pink and yellow lantanas, and sages have provided a fresh burst of blooms. My annual pentas and marigolds have also decided to hang in there a bit longer. I feel so blessed to be able to sit on my screened porch, and enjoy the color all around me for a bit longer. If you look closely at the photo, you'll see Morty and Abby enjoying the view as well.


  1. Glad you are enjoying the cooler weather. Wish I was there.

  2. I am so proud of your peaceful home setting. I know you realize how blessed you are.

    Keep me in your prayers. My surgery is at 8:30 in the morning. It will be several hours long it sounded like. I love you both

    I love my sisters and brothers very much

  3. You have such a beautiful yard and home. You are so blessed. I pray God give you much peace and happiness there with your kitties and your husband around you.

    Norma. I am praying and asking God to set angels guard around you to keep you safe and secure. Praying for a completed work in the one surgery.

    I miss you all so much. It would be so nice to get my house in order where we could have craft days and bible studies. Glenda could come down an join in with us. Pray I get my get up and go going and my fears in check.
