Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Friday, October 1, 2010

Arts & Crafts Pictures

I just got back from the fair. Dave doesn't think it's good for me to stay holed up in the house too much, and he was the dj on duty tonight, so I went with him. While there, I managed to snap a few pictures to share...

These are the green socks I feverishly knitted so they'd be finished in time. It was worth it, because they won a blue ribbon.

Here is my striped Booga bag. This happened to be my first real felted project.

My crocheted afghan, and underneath it, my bigger Booga Bag. I was surprised this was the one that won the blue, because I like the striped on better.

And finally, my Kool Aid dyed wool yarn.
This has been such a fun, exciting experience. In fact, I'm already wondering what to make for next year...


  1. I loved seeing your work displayed. I took some pix too. Did you get them. I voted. Good luck next year already. PS I felt better after I talked to the dr. Just keep praying fo me

  2. I loved your pictures, thank you for sending them to me.
    I'm so glad you're doctor is hopeful. I've been praying since you told me your results, and will continue.

  3. That is so neat. Your things are so nice. That will be something to work towards. Making things to enter in the fair.

    I called last night but I thought you might be at the fair. I was so tired I came home and went to bed. I'm glad you enjoyed the fair. I agree with Dave. It's good to get out some besides he probably enjoyed you going with him. I Pray all is well with your home.
