Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Monday, October 11, 2010

Feeling A Little Stronger

I haven't written in the last couple of days, because my heart just hasn't been in it. Truthfully, my heart hasn't been in anything for a long time, but yesterday was a good day. We went to church that morning, and to Caleb's (my cousin) housewarming party in the afternoon. He cooked hot dogs on the grill, and we ate sitting under the trees in his backyard. We were all so happy for him about getting his first home, and everyone was in a good mood. He got so many nice gifts, including some soup bowls that belonged to my mom, some utensils that belonged to Aunt Kathryn (his grandmother), and some dishes that belonged to Ina (another cousin, also gone to Heaven). Dave and I gave him a gas heater we no longer need, and I fixed him a kitchen-themed care package. This is my third time to put together a care package, and I'm especially proud of how this one turned out. His colors are blue and brown, so I included the two ballband dishcloths I knitted a couple of months ago.


  1. Glad to hear you are feeling better. I am sure it helped to see Caleb making a new beginning. Your gift looks really nice and I love that he inherited some things that came from spiritually dedicated homes. I put out one of Mom's lamps about a month ago and it makes me feel good to see it and I know Mom especially loved it.

    Did you buy lots of yarn???

    See you tomorrow..they called Perry into work today so I am sitting here brooding alone.

  2. I did buy quite a bit if yarn, but I got a good deal. I still miss Max terribly, but Norma told me he's very happy in his new home. That makes it a little more bearable.

  3. We did have a good time at Caleb's ouse. I enjoyed it very much. I did like your care package it was very nice and went very well with his theme.
    Like to see your yarn.
    Still praying peace for your decision with Max. Hope Annie is well.

    Glenda, I hope I will get to see you, too. Don't know how late you will bein Paris. I told Norma to let me know. I work until 5:30. I will have lunch at 2 but Norma said you was going with her to an appointment at 2:30.
    I pray the appointment go well and are not too hard on y'all.
