Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Yes, you read it right...I've got ribbons!

Today was the first day of the fair, and Dave is one of the dj's on duty. Since I had prayer meeting tonight, Dave was going to look at the exhibit, and tell me the results when he got home. I thought I was ok with waiting, but I just couldn't. The minute prayer meeting was over, I drove over to the fairground to say 'hi' to Dave. When I got there, he had already seen the displays, and informed me that all my entries had ribbons. Seriously? Of course I had to look for myself. I wanted to see the displays anyway, and it was true! My green socks and my bigger Booga Bag both earned blue ribbons! How exciting! I also got red ribbons for my shawl, afghan, the other Booga Bag, and my Kool Aid dyed yarn. I honestly hadn't expected this, but it feels pretty good. I'll check to see if photography is permitted, and if so, I'll post some pictures. This was so much fun!

An Honest Prayer

(Readers, keep in mind I haven't slept yet, so for me, it's still tonight)

Dear Lord, please help me. This was a good day for me. I accomplished the goals I had set for today, I saw some progress with Annie, and I was even able to eat two complete meals with no stomach pain. I was so encouraged, until tonight's altercation between Max and Annie. It wasn't a big one, but it was enough to unsettle me. Now I sit here, discouraged, and once again, unsure of Max's future. I just don't understand why this is happening. I just don't understand how they could do so well with eachother for so long, only to have tension now. But what I'm mostly upset about is the fact that I, so easily, lose hope. Jesus, it's going to take a miracle to heal my home, but I know you can perform miracles, because I've seen it with my own eyes. Recently. So why do I sit here discouraged? Why does each set-back send me plummeting into dispair, when I know better? The reason is fear. Fear that I've made every wrong decision in the world with these cats. Fear that I'll have to lose Max. I beg you, Father, please don't make me give up any of my cats. I love them all so much, and only want them to live long, healthy, happy lives. Please, make that possible, Jesus, in your holy name I pray. Amen.
Father, God, I'm so scared...

Monday, September 27, 2010

Annie Update

For those who are interested, I'd like to report on Annie's progress. She's still afraid, but she has made some baby steps since my last post about her...
We have put food, water, and a litter box in the bathroom for her. It may be over protectiveness on my part, but I just didn't want to take the risk that she'd starve herself, rather than face the other cats at the feeding area. I was closing the door everytime I showered, so she could come out, eat, use her litter, or just walk around without the others having access to her. She has now reached a point where she comes out sometimes when the door is still open. She jumps right back up to her shelf in the closet if she sees the other cats, but it's at least a step. For the past week, she has been going into our room when Dave leaves for work. This gives her room to play, and stretch her legs, and also provides more human contact. I consider this to be another step. Today, she left her bathroom to walk into the livingroom, go to the door, and look outside. The minute she saw Max, she ran back into her hidey hole before he saw her. No, it's not perfect, but it is a few baby steps in the right direction, and I want to give glory to God for each and every one of them. I don't want to take even a tiny bit of the credit, because I've done all I know to do, and it hasn't worked. Only God can fix this situation. Please, Father, I pray for a complete healing in my animal family, in Jesus' name.

Loving The Breeze

One of the things I love about fall, is opening the windows, and allowing fresh air into my home. Apparantly I'm not the only one. I just caught Max and Merlin enjoying my breeze.

Today's The Day

This is the day all Arts & Crafts are to be entered for the Red River Valley Fair. Along with my new socks, I ended up with six entries, including a small shawl, an afghan, my two booga bags, and three hanks of my Kool Aid dyed yarn. It wasn't until I was in the car that I realized I should have taken pictures of these items to share with my readers. I felt so rushed today, that it just slipped my mind, but be assured that pictures will be forthcomimg after the fair, when I go to pick up my things. I can hardly wait to go back this week, and see all the other entries. I always enjoy this portion of the fair, and I'm honored to have some of my work displayed with the others. We have some awesome crafters in the area. Good luck to all of us...

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Fall Is Here!

Yes, it's offical. Today I awoke to a crispness in the air that can only mean one thing...Fall! I love the Fall, because it promises a change in the air after a long, brutal Texas Summer. I get to dig out my soft, flannel pj's, my warm fleece shirts, and my handknit socks, but most of all...I get to enjoy my screened porch again. I went out there today and took the covers off the chairs, vaccuumed out the cobwebs and cat hair, and got it all ready to go. All that's left is for our exterminator to spray for ants and bugs. We love this guy, because he's the only one in town who uses pet and kid friendly products. No empying cabinets and pantrys and no messy residue to clean up. Just think...soon, I can sit out on my porch with an afghan, my knitting, and just take it easy. I can hardly wait. I took this picture from my seat on the porch. Don't be suprised if some of my future posts are written from this very seat whenever I have access to Dave's laptop.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

I'm Thankful

Dear, Lord, I just wanted to take the time to thank you for my many blessings-

-For a husband who loves me no matter what.
-For a church who is supportive and always ready to pray.
-For my home. Dear, Father, I really love my home.
-For the ability to share these blessings with others.
-For allowing me peaceful, quiet times in the midst of my storm.
-For saving my soul, and loving me no matter what.
-For all of Morty's progress, I never want to forget to thank you.
-For each baby step Annie takes toward losing her fear.
-For your forgiveness for doubts that creep in when I don't see immediate results.

Dear, Father, thank you for all these things. You know the turmoil I've been going through. I don't want to focus on that today, but on the promises of better things to come. I thank you so much for a church family who cares about me enough to come over and pray through my house. Most people wouldn't take the time to do this for a cat family. I really appreciate them for caring that much, and I thank you for bringing me back to this church, and this people. Please, just shower each and every one of them with abundant blessings, in your holy Name I pray. Amen.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I Did It

I finished the second sock! On Monday, I'll take the pair, along with a shawl, an afghan, and my Booga Bags to the fairgrounds, where I'll enter them in the Arts & Crafts exhibit. This will be the first year I've entered something, and I'm pretty excited about it. The sock pattern is just beautiful, and I love the way it looks with this yarn. I wish the photo did them justice. You'll just have to trust me.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Touch Of Color

Just checking in to show the final results of my Kool Aid dyeing experiment. This has actually been theraputic for me in a way. Things are going haywire at my house among my cat family, and I'm unsure of the future. I don't do well when I feel I'm in limbo, but I don't want to make rash decisions I'll regret later. Knitting has always been my chosen distractor, but lately it's not enough. I've had to unravel several knitted rows, because of being unable to conscentrate on the pattern. The yarn dyeing requires no conscentration, fills the air with fruity smells, and yields a beautiful result. In fact, the phrase, "beauty for ashes..." entered my mind when I began to see the newly dyed yarn emerge. I know that isn't what the scripture means, but I feel I've been in mourning (and still am, really). I've been grieving the loss of my Annie, and the possible loss of my Max. No, they haven't died, but the Annie I know and love is, for the most part, not there, and Max...well, what is his future with us? I thought I had a handle on it, and would be able to wait it out, but I just get so discouraged...but I don't want to dwell on that.
I showed you this yarn to show you something beautiful that came out of my period of sadness. I'm looking forward to more beauty. I'm expecting things to change around here for the better. I'm expecting a miracle from God that gives me my Annie back while allowing me to keep all my cats. They coexisted before, so why couldn't they coexist again. I'm expecting it, Father, in the name of Jesus...And I never want to forget to be thankful for Morty's progress. He's really come a long way, and I thank God for his progress everyday.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Speak To The Mountain

I've been thinking about his Jeff and Sheri Easter song all day. For those who aren't familiar with this song, I'd like to share with you the words to the chorus...

Speak to the mountain
You’ll not triumph over me
Be thou removed from here to yonder
Disappear into the sea
Speak to the mountain
Speak with authority
And the mountain must move
And you will claim victory

Friday, September 17, 2010

Beauty For Ashes...

For some reason, I can't get this phrase out of my mind. I don't have anything to add, because I don't know why I keep thinking it, so I'll just leave you with the scripture...

Isaiah 61:2-4 (King James Version)
2To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn;
3To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified.
4And they shall build the old wastes, they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall repair the waste cities, the desolations of many generations.

Can I Do It?

After posting about cat drama for the last three days, and fearing my readers would get depressed (or just plain bored) and leave, I decided a more upbeat post was in order. The Red River Valley Fair is nearing, and I'm thinking of entering some of my handmade items for the arts and crafts exhibit. I went to the fairgrounds today, to pick up a copy of the rules. In past years, I've enjoyed looking at all the beautiful work by the local folks, and every year, I wish I had entered something. Well, no more putting it off. I have several, recently crafted pojects I'm proud of, and this year, I'm going to do it. I'm hoping to include this pair of socks I started at the beginning of this month. I completed the first one in the wee hours last night, and cast on for the second one. I have until the 27th of this month to enter them. So, if I can ignore all the distractions, and diligently knit, can I complete a second sock in a little over a week's time? I'm going to give it a try...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

John 14:27

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."

This is the scripture Circle of Prayer left on my facebook news feed. I've never needed this reminder more than I do now. Thank you, Father...

Ups And Downs

Sometime's I'm afraid to get encouraged, because it seems I always get slapped back down. Hard. Today, I woke up before Dave came home for lunch. I just layed there in bed, praying for God to help us today. I knew we were going to have to give Annie her pill, a task that had proved impossible in the past. Dr. House gave her yesterday's pill, but since we can't hire him as our official "come to our house and pill Annie" guy, it was up to us. We closed the bathroom door, and put food down. She didn't actually come out of her hidey hole until we brought in the container of wheat grass we grow for them to chew. She loves that stuff. When she got down to chew, I got behind her so she could wiggle out backward, opened her mouth, and popped her pill in. Wow, that was too easy. In fact, it was so easy, I keep going back and looking for it (the pill) on the floor. (Oh me of little faith)

Feeling encouraged, even a little upbeat, I sat down to my computer. Max sat in my lap a while before going behind the moniter to nap. They love to nap behind my moniter. I was going to include a picture of Annie in her hidey hole with this post, but when I took my camera in there, I found she'd ventured out, and was sitting by the bathroom door. I was so happy, and even happier still, when she decided to wander through the house a little. That happiness deflated when Max peeked out from behind the computer moniter. They had a little face off, which resulted in her running back to her closet, and him fuzzing up. There was no fight or anything like that, but it was just enough to make me worry about his future. Yesterday, Dr House had told me it would take some time, but it's still very disturbing to me. I just don't know what to do.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Poor Fearful Annie

My Vet has been suggesting that I put my Annie on valium for quite some time. She tends to overgroom. I took her in to see if there was a physical reason for the hair loss, but she's physically healthy. The overgrooming is a nervous disorder that is compared to OCD in humans. Valium is the recommended treatment for this condition, but after a Google search, I discovered some disturbing side-effects, and decided against it. For a time, it looked like things might just right themselves, but in the course of the last three weeks, she's become so fearful she's isolated herself. She hides in the bathroom linen closet, and jumps down only when I close the door. I felt I had no choice but to start the valium treatment. He assured me it was safe, but for my own sanity, I had him run the liver enzyme test, which came back good. She is still physically healthy and strong. Help me pray that she stays that way. I'll never forgive myself if I hurt her.

Another situation that has kept me down lately concerns my youngest cat, Max. We have had him for two years, but for some reason, he and Annie have started reacting badly to eachother. Our Vet thinks it's possible he's reacting to her fear moreso than to her. I hope that's true, because if they still can't get along after she relaxes, we may have to find him a new home. The very thought is killing me inside. I've rehomed strays before, but never one of my very own cats. Please pray I don't have to do this. I can't imagine this house without all six of my cats.

Lord, Jesus, please help us. Please send peace to my home...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


To my dear family, friends, and readers. I'm in serious need of your prayers. I've been living in fear, confusion, and guilt, and it's starting to get the best of me. I don't wan't to go back on my medication, but I may have no choice, because I can't seem to pick myself up from this latest bout of depression. It looks like I may have some extremely difficult decisions ahead of me concerning my cat family, and it's killing me. Dave is going to try to get us an appointment to speak with our vet about the situation. I'm scared of what he's going to recommend. I just want things to be like the used to be, where my cats co-existed in peace, or at least tollerance, with eachother.

On the good side Morty has made tremendous progress. His hair is beginning to regrow, and he's begun to get his confidence back. He still licks, and has thin spots, but he's so much better, and I thank God, from the bottom of my heart. He gave my Morty back to me, and I just can't thank him enough. Please, God, please do the same for Annie, without making me give up Max. I love them both so much. Please...I'm not to proud to beg for this...Please, God...fix my home.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

All Dry Now

Well, here's the latest photo from my Kool Aid dying adventure. The yarn is now dry, and wound into hanks until I can find the perfect project. My worries about the red section in the multi are now gone. After seeing it twisted together, I now believe the contrast will add some interest to a knitted item. I think I'll add Kool Aid packets to my Kroger shopping list. This was so much fun, I can hardly wait to try it again.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Kool Aid Dyeing (Part 2)

Tonight's dying adventure has come to an end, and the results are hanging over my shower rod to dry. The solid yarn was dyed with five packets of Berry Blue. I've dyed solids a couple of times before, so I knew this one would turn out right...and I needed to know at least one would turn out right. The multi was dyed, using the jar method in this tutorial. The four jars of color were made with the following Kool Aid packets: 1 grape, 1 tropical punch, 1 pink lemonade, and the last jar was a mixture of 1 grape and 1 tropical punch. I wish I'd have omitted the red tropical punch section, but I think it will look alright once it's knitted up.
That concludes tonight's experiment. I had so much fun playing with color and yarn. I hope you'll give it a try.

Kool Aid Dyeing

While surfing the web last night, I found the best video tutorial. It shows, in easy to understand terms, how to dye wool yarn using Kool Aid. Inspired, I decided to give it a try. I dove to the bottom of my cedar chest, where I keep most of my 100% wool, and dug out two hanks of Cascade 220, one in natural, one in soft white. Being an insomniac, I'm always looking for overnight projects to keep my mind busy in the wee hours. I prepped the yarn then, and after Dave fell asleep, I got up and my adventure began. One hank, my first attempt at a multi-color yarn, is already dyed and drying on the shower rod, while the other, a solid color, is in the process of cooling. I'll update as soon as that yarn is a safe temp from me to handle.
To be Continued...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Devil Made Me Do It?

I don't know if it's the stress of what's going on in my personal life, or me getting crankier with age, but I seem to be having to apologize often lately. I've been feeling some serious self-doubts conserning my ability to properly care for my pets. This used to be the one area where I had complete confidence, but I've found myself questioning almost every decision I make. After last night's prayer meeting, as we were leaving the church, I was discussing this issue with my aunt and sister, Zita. I seem to be just tormented with the idea that three of my cats are unhappy living here. Zita told me that it was the devil lying to me and trying to steal my peace. I don't know why I'm like this, or even when it started, but I inwardly cringe when I hear that statement. Something about it reminds me of how people used to blame Satan for everything. Day to day challanges that happen simply because we live in an imperfect world, were being attributed to the devil "being after ya." As I grew, and I can't put my finger on when this happened, I began to feel it sounded a little too much like superstition, and that people gave the devil credit for having more power than he really does. Later, the secular world started using the phrase, "the devil made me do it" as a way to avoid claiming responsiblility or ownership for anything they did. This is such a cop out, and I don't like cop outs. These are the thoughts that go though my mind anytime I hear blame shifted to the devil, but I've discovered that I'm going to have to rethink that view.
By the time I got home, I was feeling guilty about snapping at Zita. When I explained the situation to Dave, he agreed with her. Wow! The churches he attended during his childhood and teens were not charismatic, and he didn't grow up hearing or using many of the phrases I did, so I was completely surprised he'd take this view. We discussed it in length, and discovered that there has to be some truth to that statement. Something is keeping me down. That is not my imagination, because Dave has also noticed it. Something has been stealing my joy, and keeping me in an almost constant state of turmoil. Let me share what John 8:44 tells us about the devil-

"...He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies."

That says it pretty plain. He plants the lie, and watches me do the rest. I still believe it is my resposibility not to listen to the lies, but it is the truth that he will lie to me.
So Zita, it appears we both might be right, and I'm sorry for snapping. I know this is a long post, but I felt I had to let you know why. That is no excuse for my rudeness, but maybe knowing the reason behind it will make it not feel so personal. I'm sorry.

Feeling Perkier

Today I went to the Salon to have my hair cut and colored. I had let it go for so long, I was starting to feel like a hag. The color had completely faded, and grown off, with maybe a smidge toward the ends. Who knows, that may have been untrimmed, dried up hair instead of color. I don't know why wait so long in between visits, because I always feel better once it's done. She foil wraps it, using a red, a strawberry blond, and a color to match my natural color. The results are amazing. I wonder if she knows what a genius she is.

The Man's Cat

Yes, that's what Dave called Merlin last night. He plopped himself down in front of the TV, not to watch birds or fish or small mammals frolicking on Animal Planet. No, what Merlin wanted to watch was a Dirty Harry movie. Men...

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Max Of The Jungle

I just have to share this photo. I had picked out a few healthy stems and cut the top portion off, letting the rest drop to the kitchen floor. I placed my cuttings into a jar of water for rooting, and turned my attention to cleaning up my discarded pieces. This is the sight that greeted me. at one point he was actually peeking through the leaves at Morty. It's too bad I missed that photo.

Ivy Cuttings

I have a pot of ivy sitting on a table on my front porch. It had grown so much that several tendrals were dragging the ground. The long, flowing stems so beautiful outside, tend to overpower and look sloppy when indoors. Knowing I'll soon be bringing this, and the other plants in for the cooler seasons, I decided to cut it back. Since I already have so much ivy, I fully indended to just throw the cuttings away. Every other time I've tried to root plant cuttings, the cats haven't allowed it. They shred the leaves, and often tip the jar over until I just give up. Knowing all this, I still can't resist the pull of plant cuttings. I know it's a losing battle, but I picked out some of the healthiest looking stems, and placed them in a jar. Morty pulled one out right away, but hasn't bothered them again. Now, I'm not fooling myself, and thinking he'll cooperate, but they just look so nice on my counter. Even if I can't keep them long enough from the to sprout roots, at least I got to enjoy them a bit longer.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Just A Thought

But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."-1 Samuel 16:7

Anyone who knows me probably already knows where I'm going with this. One of my biggest dislikes about this day we live in is the vast amount of importance being placed on the superficial. I find it extremely distasteful that fat-prejudice is not only condoned, but sometimes encouraged. Youth is revered to the point where mature, beautiful women (and men, for that matter) are altering thier appearance to the point where they don't even look human. Sad. I'm so very thankful that our Heavenly Father looks deeper. He knows us inside and out, and loves us just the same. No, there's nothing wrong with looking your best, but lets not let outer beauty, expensive clothes, or recapturing youth become the most important things in our lives. None of it determine's our value. Only God can do that, and he loves us just as we are. Thank you, Father...

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Yes, I've Changed It Again...

My sister came to visit me tonight. She has started a blog of her own, and wanted to ask for some advice on how to use Blogger. I'm no expert, but I have managed to learn a few things that she said will be of help to her. I hope she meant that. I'm sorry to admit this, but I have a bit of a temper, and not being very tech savvy, I tend to lose it when my computer refuses to submit to my will. I hope tonight's bad hostessing skills didn't discourage future visits from you, Zita.
Anyway, as I sat here in the wee hours of the morning (forever the insomniac), I decided to do some tweaking on my own blog. I went with this template, because I loved the serenity of the birds in flight, and I changed the color to a soothing slate. I really like the effect, and I hope that ya'll do too.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Learn-A-Stitch Crochet Dishcloths

I mentioned this booklet in an earlier post, and I just have to mention it again. Today, I finished crocheting the last cloth. Yes, folks, for the first time In my life, I've made every pattern in a booklet. Of course they're just dishcloths, but I'm still pretty proud of myself, and I feel I can give an honest book review.
As I said before, the dishcloths are very big, but I personally like that. In fact, I'm going to use a few of them for washcloths. Each design is intended to teach the crocheter a new stitch, and an interesting trim. In fact, the trims are what I enjoyed most. The only reason I can't give this book a glowing review is because of many errors I found. If I were the designer, I'd be very unhappy with whoever did the editing, However, I'm still think this was a good purchase. The designs are beautiful, and with the help of the photos, and a little attention to symmetry, I believe most crocheters could correctly figure out the mistakes.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Ah, Relief

Finally! After a month's worth of temperatures in the triple digits, we finally have a break. This week has brought much needed rain, and I can finally sense Fall in the air. I know it's not officially here, but the signs are. More activity around the hummer feeders as the birds get ready to migrate, the increased energy level in my outdoor cats (and indoor cats, too), and the difference I feel in myself all indicate a change in the season. I'm going to miss Summer's longer days, and birdwatching on the back porch, but there are so many good things to look foreward to. Cooler temperatures mean I can dig out my warm clothing and hand knitted socks, my kitchen smelling of vegetable soup and cornbread is always nice, as well as curling up with an afghan and a book. Of course, I don't want to leave out the most important thing about Fall. Football season! Go Cowboys!!