Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Walking With The Monkees

I just love music from the 1960's. Yesterday, during my walk, I decided to take some music with me. I have an MP3 Dave bought me from Sears. It's not anyting fancy, but it holds plenty of songs, and sounds just fine to me. It actually reminds me of a flash drive. One end of it slides off to reveal a USB port, so the device can plug directly into my computer. I've downloaded several CD's by The Monkees and The Beatles to it. The music I listened to today was The Monkees. I haven't listened to The Monkees in a long time, and I have to say, that old music is pretty springy to walk to. It brought back memories of my childhood, when I'd sit in front of the TV, and watch reruns of thier show after school. It was kind of fun to reaquaint myself with an old favorite during my daily (well, almost daily) walk. I'm feeling nostalgic just thinking about it...


  1. I love to hear it, Jennifer. Nostalgia really gets to you doesn't it. Just reading your blog and I could see the walls of your room and visualize you on your bed listening to such. I too was a heavy Monkee fan.

    We need to all get together and talk...soon

  2. That sounds like a neat idea. I have never used an mp3 player but they do sound like a good thing. So many songs on such a small thing.
    Enjoyed saying Hi tonight. Maybe sometime in Feb. we can go out to eat. My money has just been really tight.

  3. I love my wife. This is just one reason we are so compatable. How many youngun's like the Monkees? Bless your old spirit heart darlin'.
