Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Smart Phone Shopping

Yes, Dave and I have caught the smart phone bug. We used to have one cell phone between us, and the most basic plan Sprint has to offer. Since I'm a housewife, and have access to our land line, Dave always kept the cell phone with him. This arrangement worked just fine for us, and we used to even laugh at people who were so addicted to thier cell phones, you'd think it was an extra limb. Well, guess they're about to have the last laugh...
It all started, when the radio station promoted Dave to Assistant Operations Manager. This meant that he had to be on call to help solve little issues that often come up with equipment, scheduling and such. After several months of going over our prepaid minutes, he decided to buy himself an upgraded verizon account throught the company. I, in turn, inherited his Sprint account and old phone. I never thought I'd say this, but I love having a cell phone. I hardly get any calls (well, except from Dave), but I still love it. I love the sense of security I feel, knowing that if my car breaks down, or even if I fall and injure myself during one of my walks, I can call someone. I even enjoy sending Dave cute little texts. Can you believe it? Me Texting? What is the world coming to?
Ok, fast forward a few months...
It is now the middle of January, 2011. Dave has been paying close attention to our cell phone bills and usage. I haven't a clue. I write out the bills each month, but his verizon bill comes to him at work and he pays it. All I'm aware of is what we owe Sprint (which is climbing in price because of my texting). Dave comes to me a couple of weeks ago, and tells me that we are not paying much less than if we were to purchase an upgraded account (yes, with internet) that includes both of us. We're likely to stay with Sprint, because they're the least expensive, and we've had great service from them. Now comes the fun phones. Even more fun...Smart phones (because of the internet)! Can you believe it? We seem to be on our way to becoming the people we've been making fun of for years.


  1. I hope you enjoy it an I promise I will not make fun. Never will Dave's friends get a text that says Bitsi has the phone, call him at home again....tee hee hee. There is a big security in knowing you don't have to be left holding the bag in case of an emergency. Me I can't see well enought to need internet on my phone! But good luck!

    God is good. He is MY friend

  2. I understand perfectly. I, too, use to think the phone bug was just ridiculus but now admit to liking having it around. I still really don't talk much but the comfort of knowing you won't be stuck off needing help is really good.

    I hope you enjoy your smart phone. I think I might like internet on mine, too. but I don't know? I really don't know why though because I don't travel or do facebook but it just sounds like a neat idea.

    Pray all is well. I love you. Miss our Fridays.
