Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Monday, January 17, 2011

New Exercise Routine

Well, it's almost the 25th which means the free Three month gym membership I won will soon expire. During the first month, I went regularly. In fact, I was so happy with the routine I'd established, that I had seriously considered continuing my membership when my trial was up. The next month, the holiday season, and some things going on in my family, made my visits more irratic. I was just beginning to reestablish my routine, when I got sick. I tried again when my health mended, only to be thwarted by the snow. I'm a very nervous driver in good conditions, so I don't even try when there is snow on the ground. However, I did realize I had to do some sort of exercise or I'd end up gaining all my weight back. Last week, I began walking the trail Dave and I mapped out for our afternoon walks. I have to walk it twice to equal what I'd been doing at the gym, but I don't mind. The only thing I missed was stopping by the Sonic on my way home for my Happy Hour diet coke. I remedied that today. Dave and I discovered that the light at 24th and Lamar has a crosswalk, and a button to push to change the light. I cross 24th on the last leg of my walk every day, so I took some money with me, and when I reached 24th street on my second lap, I made the jaunt down to Lamar, where I crossed the street, then walked the very short distance from there to the Sonic. It was so easy, that I think I've made the decision not to renew my gym membership, and let this be my new exercise routine. Maybe during the Summer, when the Texas heat is unbearable, I can renew, but for now, I like this new plan.


  1. That does sound like a good idea.

  2. I think that sounds like a winner

  3. What works for you is what you should do. There are so many ways of dieting and so many ways to exercise because people are different and not one thing works for everyone.
