Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Friday, January 7, 2011

One Row Scarf- Take 2

Well, this is my second attempt at the knitting the One Row Handspun Scarf pattern, written by Stephanie Pearl McPhee. Originally, I planned to use one of the hanks of yarn I'd dyed with Kool-Aid last year. I changed my mind, because I didn't like the way the color was pooling unevenly, so I decided to frog that scarf. I love the pattern, and still wanted to knit it, so back to my stash I went, where I found a hank of yarn I'd forgotten about. Spun and dyed at Brown Farm in Scotland, CT, it was sent to me by a fellow Odd-Ball knitter. The color is plum, and it is 250 yards of 70%corriedale/30% mohair. I love the fact that the color isn't completely solid. The tone on tone is more rugged in appearance, and in my opinion, that makes it perfect for this pattern.
As for my Kool-Aid dyed yarn? I'm sure the perfect pattern is out there, and I'll not stop until I find it.

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