Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My Snow Angel

It finally thawed enough for me to go for a walk, without fear of slipping on the ice. During my walk, I saw the cutest snowman in the front yard of the house on the corner. I guess I should have ask if I could take a picture of it for my blog, but I've never been comfortable talking to people unless they talk to me first. If Dave had been with me, he'd have probably asked for me, but he was at work. After I got home, I contemplated making a snowman of my own, but I guess I don't know how to make a snowball bigger than the palms of my hands, so instead I made snow angel. It actually turned out pretty, considering I had to smooth out the imprints of my hands on each side of the "skirt" and my butt print in the middle. It's just not as easy to get up off the ground at 42 as it was when I was in my teens...


  1. When I see people's snowman I never ask I just snap away..course I am usually in a car.

    Love your angel. and it will be even harder to get up at 59

  2. I know I could not get up. Perry would have to call emergency services to bring a crane.

    Bitsi, thank you for the gloves. I wore them all day yesterday when we were running errands. They are so soft and warm.

    Perry is so thankful to have his haircut. He is very pleased with it.

    Keep enjoying the is going to melt very soon.

  3. I'm so glad you're liking them. I use mine a lot, because my hands get so cold at night.
    I'm so glad Perry's haircut turned out right. I'm so out of practice, I sometimes worry if I still know what I'm doing. lol

    Today is the first day, since the snowfall, that the temps have been above freezing. I think most of it is supposed to be melted by the weekend.

  4. I love that snow angel. I didn't even think about doing that. I did make a tiny snowman inside my class at Lollypop. There was tons of snow on the ramp outside my classroom. I put a bowl of snow on the table too that the kids could play in. I new the parents would have a fit if I took them outside. Besides they would have gotten wet with nothing to change into. It was fun though. Love snow!!
