Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Monday, January 3, 2011

New Plan

I'm going to redo the Kool-aid dyed scarf, because I just don't like the way the color is pooling. Normally, I don't mind color pooling if it creates an attractive pattern, but in this case, it's creating the look of a half striped/half variegated scarf. I still love the One Row scarf pattern, so I'm still going to knit it, only I'm going to use one of my more solid (tonal) yarns. Stay tuned...


  1. OK Darlin', I like your new purple look. I know it's your favorite color and the scroll work background looks pretty cool.

  2. Looks very girly. I like it.

    Perry wants to know if you can cut his hair when we come for my dr appointment the 11th?

  3. Thanks, Dave and Glenda. I thought getting rid of that gray might perk me up a little.

    Yes, Glenda, I can cut Perry's hair next week. Just call and remind me.
