Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Getting Back To Normal

When I first won my three month membership to Anytime Fitness, I did so well. I got into the habit of going 4 days a week. This has been good for me, not only because I've been getting some exercise, but also because it had gotten me driving again. I had fallen into a nice routine before the holidays. I wake up when Dave comes home for lunch, eat with him, go visit Max, then head to the gym. I walk on the treadmill for 2 miles, then bicycle for about 15-20 minutes. Sometimes I use a couple of the machines to work out my arms, but not always. Will this make me skinny and toned? Not likely, but I have noticed a difference in my energy level, and the fit of my clothes...and that's just fine with me. After my work out, I stop by the Sonic for a Happy Hour diet coke on my way home.
When the holidays hit, and I noticed a difference in the amount of people out and about, and an aggressiveness in the way they were driving. This made it harder for me, because I'm nervous of driving anyway. Then life got in the way, and my own holiday planning got me out of my good habits. After Thanksgiving, I pushed myself to start going back to the gym, and had just started getting my routine back. I had even gotten myself a new pair of walking shoes, when I became ill. This is the first day, in almost two weeks that I've felt like exercising. Since it's a little late to go to the gym (I don't want to be in there when the after work crowd hits), I'm going to walk the little mile and a half Dave and I mapped out for our neighborhood walks. I'm even going to wear my new shoes for the first time. Please pray it doesn't start raining. I'd hate to have a relapse.


  1. I like your new shoes. That purple looks really cool.
    I'm glad your working out is working out for you. You do look thinner to me. I especially noticed the brightness in your face over the holidays. You look REALLY pretty. Getting out, exercise, happiness, God? Whatever? Of course you are always pretty but you have a kind of pretty glow so whatever it is, its working. I like your new look on your blog!! It's fun to change it ever so often isn't it?
    Hope you have a good night!

  2. Actually, the initial weight loss was caused by stress. The exercise is my attempt to not gain it back.

  3. ...Oh, and Thanks for the compliments. I thought I looked pretty awful, but I'm always my worst critic.
