Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Koolade Dyed Scarf

I started a new scarf today. I don't need a new scarf, and, with all my WIP's going unfinished, I definately didn't need to start another project. I just wanted to knit up one of my Kool-aid dyed yarns, to see what it looked like. This particular yarn is either Patons or Lion brand wool (I lost the label, so I'm not sure which. The pattern is called One Row Handspun Scarf, and it's designed by Stephanie Pearl-McPhee, otherwise known as the Yarn Harlot. You can find it on her blog right here. I wanted a pattern that didn't require lots of concentration, so I could mindlessly knit while I watch TV. This scarf is excellant for that purpose, because as the title says, it's only one row, repeated until your scarf is the desired length. In my case, it will be when I run out of yarn. This is exciting. I started my first knitting project of 2011 on New Years Day.

1 comment:

  1. I looked at this several times but just didn't sign in to comment but I think it is pretty the color blend is working up really nice.
    I finished Paula's quilt top but I have not started a new project because I am going to try to make Gina's dresses next and the pattern package had the wrong size in the envelope. It is a huge pattern, no way she could wear it. They had put size B into a size A package.
    Good luck with the rest of your scarf. I hope it turns out the perfect length!
