Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Busy Day, Sleepless Night

It is almost 7am, and I've had no sleep. Yesterday was a great day. Around noon, we went to feed Max, took some books back to the library, then went over to Tuesday Morning to return a pair of PJ pants that just didn't fit right. While we were in that shopping center, we went over to JC Penney, where they happened to be having a great sale. Dave got a couple of shirts, and I got a pair of boots. Yes! I was finally able to find a pair of boots that fit right.
On our way home, we stopped by the Sonic to pick up lunch (and my happy hour diet coke). I was completely surprised to see a package waiting on our front porch. I had ordered some things, but I wasn't expecting anything this soon. Dave, on the other hand, was not at all surprised. Without my knowledge, he had ordered a cordless keyboard and mouse for my computer. I had mentioned (well, I guess you could say I complained) that I had too many cords hanging from my desk. I guess he listens to me, after all.
Around 5 o'clock, I started getting ready for Church. Every third Saturday of each month, our church has a singing service, and yesterday's was an especially good one. Everyone was in a good mood, and since we're all on the mend, and getting our voices back, we were sounding pretty good, too. Afterward, Dave and I went to Walmart to stock up on some things we needed. I guess being sick, then being snowed in, we'd both been neglecting our household shopping.
Now, you'd think that after such a busy day, I'd have fallen straight to sleep. Wrong. I read until I just knew I was ready to drop. I put my book down, turned off the lamp, then became wide awake. I tossed and turned until almost 7, then finally gave up. I have to start getting ready for church in another hour anyway, and if i fell asleep now, I would only get enough sleep to make me feel worse. So, it looks like an afternoon nap is in today's plans...


  1. Bitsi, I can tell you what put me to sleeping at night..not that I recommend it..a hysterectomy. I have been sleeping like a baby at night.

  2. I'm sure I'll have to eventually have one. It seems to run in the family. :)

  3. I'm sorry you had a hard night. Night always seems so long if you are tired and can't sleep. I hope you have a good night tonight.
    I am so glad the singing went good. I miscalculated the date. (AGAIN)

  4. The only reason I remembered is because Kathy mentioned it as Dave and I were leaving Tuesday night.

  5. I pray you sleep well tonight.

    You sure sounded too busy for my weak frame!

    Sorry I miscalculated the singing

    I pray you won't ever need a hysterectomy!
