Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Snow Day

We woke this morning to the first snow of the season. Dave had planned to drop me off at church, while he went to the radio station to record some winter advisory announcements. As I was getting ready, Kathy called to let us know they were already getting some accumulation at the church. Since we're a small group, with lots of our members, living out in the country, already having called to say they wouldn't be coming, she told us we were not going to have services today. If anything, the ones who were already there would pray for our prayer requests and eachother, and leave. Since I was already awake, and dressed, I grabbed my knitting, and went to the radio station with Dave. I love watching (or should I say listening to) him work. We then went to eat lunch at our favorite Mexican food restaurant, and came home. We didn't go over to see Max today, because it's doubtful he's outside today. If he is, we'd just end up luring him out of whatever cubby he's snuggled into over there. Boy, I'm going to miss him today, but it's better if we don't cause him to get wet.
So, here we are, already in for the day, so I decided to share some snow pictures. The first one is taken from the front porch, and the second one is taken from the back porch. I think snow is so beautiful, and normally I'd be really excited. Please, pray for me, that my worry about Max will not prevent me from enjoying this snow.


  1. Max is a smart cat, I am sure he is snuggling somewhere warm.

    Love the photos

    Love the snow

    Love my sisters

  2. Don't worry. Be Happy. God is in control.

    Love your pictures. I really thought strongly about making a snowman but since there is no one to see it I talked myself out of it. Bethany always loved playing in the snow.
    I went out one winter when she was a teen and made a snowman (a really big one) She was not home so I made one for her. It was pretty cool.
    My camera batteries are down so I didn't take a pic but it looks really white out here!

  3. you should have made a snowman for you, besides people drive all over town to look at everyone's snowmen
