Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Repairs Ahead

I love my older home, with it's big back and front yards, full-grown trees, and all the character that comes with it. It's perfect for us. Unfortuately, part of that 'character' occasionally means repairs are in order. We knew the ceiling tiles in the extra bedroom were old. We also noticed they were beginning to buckle, and would eventually have to be replaced. Well, it looks like that day has come. I guess it shouldn't have surprised us, but discovering loose ceiling tiles that could fall any minute is disturbing, no matter how much you think you're prepared.
Dave called Charlie, the contractor who is resposible for our screened in porch, our kitchen remodel, and many of our home repairs. After discussing it, we've opted for a sheet rock and textured ceiling instead of tiles. So next week, I'll have a brand new ceiling in that bedroom.


  1. so sad to HAVE to do repairs. but it will be nice to have new ceiling!

    I feel good, today. Dr visit in Dallas was a breeze. don't have to go back for two weeks!

  2. Bitsi, that will have all the updates on your house finished won't it.

    Norma, glad to hear this good word.

  3. Norma, Praise the Lord! Maybe you're finally on the upswing.

    Glenda, this should be it for a while. The ceiling tiles in the TV room, and in our bedroom are also old, but they haven't begun to buckle yet. They should be ok for several more years.
