Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Working Outdoors

Today has been a wierd day, weatherwise. We were supposed to have clear skies, with a high in the lower 70's. That did not happen. It's been cloudy, and still looks like it could rain any minute. Happily, it was warm, and Dave and I got to eat our lunch on the back porch (looks like it's time to clean out there). Normally, my routine after lunch, it to go visit Max, come home, and go for my walk. Today, I omitted the walk. I didn't want to chance being a mile alway from home, with the possibility of rainfall. Instead, I opted to work in my back yard. I pruned back my roses, cleaned out my pots, and pulled up annuals left over from last year. I'm happy to report that I'm already seeing leaf buds on many of my plants. I guess they're probably confused by the warm temperatures, but it was still nice to see. I know we haven't seen the last of our cold weather, but I'm going to enjoy this warm spell as long as it lasts.


  1. weather men say we have had our last cold spell. I am so glad you got to work in your yard.

    I got rid of my bag today. Hip HIp Yea! I can't spell that other

  2. I am going to work in my yard this year. It has really been let go.

    I am so happy Norma.

  3. thanks, Glenda, I enjoyed our conversation today. Maybe we can talk more often or longer next time.

    I need to help Ms Moss more in my yard, but I don't even get the time to do the work I need to do inside the house. :)
