Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Thursday, February 17, 2011

More Sweater Blues :(

What started out as an easy project has turned into a nightmare. I updated my Ravelry page yesterday, and I'd like to copy and paste what I wrote so you can see the kind of day I had...

2-16-11 After giving myself a little break from this project, I decided to get it out this morning. I had finished the left side, and it was probably a mistake to wait so long before starting the right side. It has been long enough for me to lose the feel of the lace pattern. After I completed side #2, I held it up to look at it. I noticed a spot where I got off the pattern, and I’m going to have to unravel again. I’m starting to wish I’d never seen this pattern.
Later Very frustrated. When I went to do the back portion, I discovered a huge mistake. I got completely off when I separated for the armholes, so I had to rip all my work back. It looks like, once again, I failed to reach a goal. I’m developing a very strong dislike for this pattern. It started out so easy, and a breeze to follow, but that armhole separation line is so confusing. Then after that, it’s left up to the knitter to guess the rest of the chart. I’m not good at guessing.


  1. I am so sorry it has turned into such a trial for you. You have more perserverance than I. I usually end up giving up after a little bit of difficulty. Hope it comes together. God bless!

  2. You can do it, I know you can. Just take the pressure off of yourself and relax and enjoy your project.
    We are looking forward to the singing tomorrow night
    I love you, sister!

  3. Bitsi, my advice is do what gives the least stress. I used to finish every book I started..even if it was awful. I would watch through every movie..good or bad..these days I am not in the least upset about stopping if I feel it is a waste of my time. Too many good books out there and many good movies. I know there are tons of great sweater patterns, too. If you are determined to conquer or rework this pattern. I have confidence in you..but if it is a battle you are not that in to..move on. Do what is best for you. You have made so many beautiful things. We know you knit, very, very good. Seems to me like this is a faulty pattern...not a lack of skill.

  4. I know what you mean about books. I've taken so many unread books back to the library. My biggest pet peeve lately has been politics. I'm sick of every aspect of human life being invaded by politics. Why can't we just read a nice mystery book, without feeling like the author's agenda is being pushed down our throats?
