Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Monday, February 14, 2011

A Little Bragging

I just wanted to say how very proud I am of my husband and of my town. He did a great job at the Sweetheart Soiree Saturday night. As MC, he introduced the video presentation and the live band. He also gave a short description of each item to be aucioned to raise money for The Children's Advocacy Center. They raised $50 thousand, the most they've ever raised, and that is after expenses. I know they appreciate all who came out to support this great cause.


  1. I had already read in the paper that they raised $50 thousand. It was a great success and I am proud that you and Dave got to be a part of it.

    I am sorry that I didn't cut Dave's pix out of the paper before so I am watching and when they put another one in I will cut it out for you. His pix is in the paper quite a bit.

    Happy Valentine's Day

  2. congrats. Did you have a good time?

  3. Thanks, Norma. That would be great.

    Glenda, at first, I wanted to just turn around and leave, but we found James (from the TV station) and his wife, and shared a table with them.
