Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Homemade Pizza Day!

Dave and I have had so much fun cooking together. Actually, I'm not much of a cook. My job, normally, is to keep the dishes washed up, and the countertops wiped down. That way, after we eat, there's no huge mess to clean up. Today, however, I got to actually help. I took some pictures hoping my readers would really get to share in our fun...
First, Dave made the pizza crust in his food processor, then we left it to rise, while we went to feed Max, then pick up a package of cheese from Kroger. When we got home, I washed up the cutting board and knife, while Dave sauted some mushrooms he had previously sliced. Then I opened up a can of black olives and sliced them, while Dave cooked some sliced bell pepper (only long enough to soften them a bit). He then rolled out the dough, brushed a little olive oil over it, then sprinkled our first layer of cheese. Here's a helpful tip- Dave has found that if you start with a layer of cheese, then apply your sauce, dotting it across your cheese by the teaspoon, your crust doesn't get soggy. After applying the sauce, I helped Dave top it. Today's toppings of choice were sauted mushrooms, sliced green bell peppers, sliced jumbo black olives, low-fat turkey pepperoni, and low-fat Canadian bacon. Add another layer of cheese and bake. Yummy! The best part? Eating, of course :) And, happily, today is another warm day. That means we got to eat our lunch outside. It is just so relaxing to feel the sunshine, and fresh air while enjoying the lunch my husband and I made as a team. Life may not be perfect, but it really is good.


  1. Sister...where is my share. Looks yummy to me too, Glenda..and I know Zita has experienced the yummy taste of you and Dave's home made pizza
