Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Industrious Neighbor

The family who lives on the corner sure seem to be enjoying our snowy winter. The first snow resulted in a beautiful snowman, that to this day I wish I'd taken a picture of. This snowfall brought the completely unexpected...And this time, I got a picture!
Dave and I were witness to how much work he put into it. We had some errands to run yesterday, and as we were leaving the house, he was beginning his project. We just assumed it was another snowman in the making, but we couldn't have been more wrong. Heading home after our grocery store visit, we turned the corner and onto our street. One glance into their yard was all it took to know something big was in store. He had built a wall, and was working on a second one. An Igloo? Surely not. It wasn't until today, on our way home from church, that we saw the final project. He had built a snow fort. Three full walls, with an entryway in the fourth wall. Wow! So much hard work. I hope it doesn't melt to soon. They deserve a little time to enjoy it.


  1. What a creative neighbor. We looked at it as we left your house last night.

    We enjoyed ourselves so much. Thanks for the wonderful fellowship and food. It was nice also that OUR team won!

    I will keep your request in my prayers. Remember. God is faithful. He sees and knows and better yet He knows the answer

  2. That neat. I never did make a snowman. I was afraid i would be rolling in cat poop. I did however make me some snow ice cream the first day of snow. I made it early in the morning when I fed the cats. It was really good. This time it was soft and smooth with no ice chrystals. I really enjoyed it.
    Hope y'all had a good time Super Bowling?

  3. Perry worked everyday. It is not fun toplay in the snow alone.

  4. Glenda it would be so nice if we could have some time together.
    I think we all are lonesome for each other
