Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Friday, February 11, 2011

Isn't Gonna Happen :(

Well, it was a valliant effort, but it looks like finishing my sweater before tomorrow night is out. I had finally finished my ribbing, and was in the process of knitting the top section. I got all the way to the armholes, when the pattern stopped making sense to me. It could have been sleep deprivation, but it was like I completely forgot how to read a pattern. I finally had to put it away and go to sleep. Since the wee hours is the only time I can work on it without interuption, and since I still have two sleeves to make after finishing the body, I'm going to have to admit defeat. Oh well. It's not like I don't have ANYthing to wear. Still, I'm not disappointed with the effort. My new goal is to have it ready to wear by our church's monthly singing service, which, if I'm not mistaken, I believe is next Saturday.


  1. So sorry you can't make your deadline. It looks beautiful. Maybe everything will come together after you are rested. Sometimes it makes a lot of difference. I started to call and see if you wanted to go eat (even though I shouldn't) but remembered you would be working on your sweater so I got some baked potato casserole and came on home.
    God bless. Have fun tomorrow.

  2. Zita, where did you get the baked potato casserole? sounds good.

    I hate that you won't get the sweater finished by your deadline, but like you will have it for the singing.

    Be blessed, be happy, be at peace.

  3. I started a thread on Ravelry about my challange. One fellow Raveler told me she was having the same problem with the armholes. So maybe it isn't just me.

    Dave took me shopping, and I found a beautiful outfit at Cato. It was on sale!

  4. Great. I'm glad you found an outfit you liked. I'm excited for you and Dave's night out. Be happy and have fun. You will be with your sweetheart. That is always a good thing even if it is in a croud.

    Norma, I love the baked potato casserole at Scholls BBQ (I think that is its name). It is the one where Philpot Donuts use to be or at least by it. Across from the old Sonic. It was YUMMY!

  5. hope you and Dave had a good time tonight. see ya in the morning
