Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Friday, February 25, 2011


My new shawl is really coming along nicely. I've already gotten this much done in just a few days, and that's only knitting on it in the evenings...and that's only on TV nights! This pattern is very easy to memorize, which makes it the perfect project for the times when I just want to knit, and not think about it. I can talk to the cats (or Dave), watch TV, or listen to music, without making mistakes. :) I highly recommend this pattern, even if you're a beginner. It's fast, fun, and the instant gratification will encourage you in your knitting journey.


  1. you are right is beautiful

  2. Thanks. I just wish my heart was in my knitting. I could have finished this by now if I'd just been working on it.

  3. That is a really pretty pattern. I like the color, too.
    Is your room finished?

    Hope you are well.

  4. Zita, no, the room's not ready yet. There have been many times when they can't go to the next step until the work they did has dried. I guess because it's been so damp and humid, it's not drying very fast.
