Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Repairs Began...

They got started on my ceiling. They had to work us in among thier already scheduled projects, and, due to a delayed countertop delivery for another home, they were able to get to us today. After pulling all the old tiles down, and removing what looked like millions of staples, they put up the sheet rock. I took this opportunity to do some serious cleaning. I washed and ironed all my curtains, and dusted all the things I normally leave undone, because I can't reach it. Since they can't do anymore work until the tape and bedding stuff has dried, they've quit for the day. I'm sitting here surrounded by all my extra bedroom furniture. I'm not sure if I'll spend the rest of the night washing and dusting, or if I'll just knit on my shawl, and do it tomorrow. I know this sounds wierd, but I'm actually exhilerated by the work. Maybe it's because I know the finished result will be a fresh, clean room.


  1. That is wonderful, Jennifer. I know you are excited. It always feels so good to get things "cleaned up".. :)

    I love you guys, sorry We had to miss prayer meeting. We took the prayer cloth up and we would have left early am and gotten back before dark, but Jim needed a ride after dialysis so we couldn't leave until 12:30

    Rhonda said without a miracle, she will never walk again

  2. No, I didn't drive in the dark...Wesley drove most of the way home

  3. I am happy for you to be working on your home.
