Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Eve

Well, folks, the end of 2010 is here. My first thought is to say, "Thank God, it's over." This year has seen many battles and heartbreaks for my family, but lets not dismiss 2010 without picking out some good among the rubble.
This year, my brother-in-law recieved a kidney transplant that saved his life. God brought him back from the brink of death, and continues to strengthen him. My sister, Norma, was in excrutiating pain yesterday, later to wake from a nap, totally pain free (please keep praying for her, people. She really needs it). My sister, Glenda, after years of pain, was pronounced cancer free following her surgury. My sister Zita was accepted by the weatherization program for her house, and recieved new heaters and a new refrigerator. This should lower her sky-high bills. When the radio station was in the process of changing management, Dave watched all his co-workers lose thier jobs. He was so sure he was next, that we'd gone though the checkbook to see what extra costs we could do without. I thought I might be going back to work so we could afford to feed the cats. Not only did Dave not get fired, but he got a promotion. I finally got brave enough to start my blog, which has turned into a way for me to keep in touch with my sisters. I'm thankful for even small surprizes, like my brother spending Thanksgiving with us.
I'm not denying this has been a hard year, and I hope we never have to repeat it. I just wanted to look back on the good things, because it helps me to remember how God never leaves us to face our challanges alone. I love all of you, and I'm praying for a better year ahead full of health and happiness.


  1. I always try, at the end of every year, to look back and think of something good that happened. I have to say, this time, it was very hard, but I thought, surely a whole year didn't go by, and NOTHING good happened. I managed to think of some things.
