Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Our New Tree

As much as I hated to part with the old one, I Knew it was time for a new tree. After a tearful farewell, Dave and I got in the truck and drove to Walmart, hoping to find another great deal. Sadly, there are no deals to be had until after Christmas, but even more sad, is the poor quality of this year's trees. All we saw were very sparse, plastic-y looking trees. I'm not a snob, but I do want a tree that I don't have to constantly fuss over to fill in holes. Needless to say, we didn't purchase one there. The trees at Hobby Lobby and Big Lots all had clear lights, and as I said in my last post, Dave and I are multi fans. Just as I was deciding to use our tree (minus the big bulbs) one more time, then see what we could find next year, we made one last stop at Sears. That's when I saw it. A beautiful, prelit tree, with large pine cone-shaped LED lights, which can be set to blink in a wide range of patterns and speeds. We purchased this beauty, and took it home to discover just how amazing it is. I've never, in all my 42 years, seen a tree this full. Each branch forks at the end, and fluffs out leaving no holes. You can place any sized ornament anywhere, and it looks great! I didn't even need any plain Christmas balls. I'm sure they would look great, but the large lights make them unnecessary. This left me free to use only my pretty stuff. I look forward to many years, and many memories with this tree...Provided the cats will allow it...(as I go to shoo Morty away from the tree)


  1. I'm glad you found a tree you liked so much. The picture looks very pretty. I am looking forward to seeing it in person.
    I was glad you was back in Sunday School this morning. I missed you last week.
    My boys are down for a nap so I was checking out the blogs. Have you seen Norma's yet?

  2. Love your tree, Bitsi. Guess I won't get to have a tree this year. I have kept quiet about it because I don't want Perry to feel bad about it. I can't help him get the stuf out of the attic and it is too much for him alone.

    What is Norma's address for her blog?

  3. Thanks to both of you. It was the tree that almost wasn't. lol
    Yes, Norma's blog is very pretty. Glenda, Click to view my complete personal profile, and scroll down to the section that says "Blogs I follow." Norma's is called "From The Heart." Just click on that to take you to it.

  4. The tree looks beautiful in the photo. I can hardly wait to see it. I am so proud for you. I am afraid there will be no tree at our house this year. It is too much for Wesley or me to get out and James hasn't offered so I didn't want to put him out. We will share in the beauty of yours, Jennifer

  5. Sounds like yours will be the tree for all. I do not have a tree either. I have a tiny battery operated tree I have considered getting out but as of now, nothing.

  6. I want a tree so bad. This will be the first year I do not have one.
