Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Party Day!

What a great day we've had. It really was an easy preparation for the party. We planned to serve soups, Dave's being Chicken noodle, and mine veggie beef (potato soup was provided by my sister, Norma). Since Dave had already made his stock Thursday, all he had to do was chop some veggies and throw it together, while I peeled and chopped my potatoes and started my soup. Dave had made red velvet sandwich cookies, and I had made cake mix cookies Friday night. I got up to discoved that Dave and already made frosting, and iced not only his, but my cookies as well. This left me free to tidy up the house, and fix my snack trays.
The party went well. I got to see all three my sisters' families, three of my nieces, and my two great nephews. The food was good, and we had so much fun playing our game of swap and steal, before several games of Bingo for small prizes. Glenda and I like to pick up little items thoughout the year for the Bingo gifts, but this year we seem to have gotten out of hand. Both of us didn't realized, until we got them out to wrap them, just how many gifts we had bought. We ended up wearing out our caller. Glenda, maybe next year, we should keep it to fifteen prizes each. lol


  1. It was truly a wonderful and stress free party.

    Looking forward to next year

  2. Wonderful party!! Dave and You are great hosts. Food was yummy. Games were fun. Must remember next time to get cameras all charged up!

  3. It was great fun. Y'all did have a lot of game prizes.
    I have enjoyed my take home soup, too. I ate chicken noodle last night and potato for lunch today and I plan to have vegie for dinner. Yum.
