Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Temperature Control Dilemma

It's a cold, rainy day in my part of the country. I was unable to get out and about, even to feed and visit with Max (I'm so sorry, Max). If I wasn't sick, I'd have probably gone anyway, but Dave didn't think it was a good idea. Trying to shift the guilt off myself, I asked Dave if he forbids me to go see Max. He hesitates. As far as he's concerned, I'm a grown-up, and he has no business forbidding me to do anything. He did managed to talk me out of it, using the reason that makes the most sense. I'm sick. (Poor, Max, I hope you don't think I've abandoned you).
So, I've spent the day indoors, watching TV and knitting. My knitting has gone very slow, because for some reason, my hands seem to be shakey, and unable to hold on to anything. During today's confinement, I've discovered my biggest enemy. The thermostat. When I turn the heat down, I get chills, but if I turn it up, all my sinus conjestion drains into my throat, causing caughing fits, and multiple sneezes. Grrr
Don't feel sorry for me too much, unless it's because I can't go see my Max. The sickness is so small in comparison to my guilt over him.


  1. PLEASE get over this cold soon and never get sick again! Really, I pray you'll get well soon, I know Max is just fine.

  2. Max is a winner and has been from the time you laid eyes on him. His survival instincts are awesome. Get well and leave Max to God. He is in good hands.

    We had a couple of errands we HAD to do today so we got out around noon and got home around 4. Prayer meeting tonight..perhaps it is too bad to get our sick folk out???? Love you, Jennifer .. get well

  3. Prayer meeting was great! God loves for us to assemble no matter the weather or even if some can't come because of sickness. It was nice to see Regina

  4. It was very nice to see her. I'm praying about your doctor visit tomorrow. May it be pain free, and encouraging.

  5. James said it might be bad weather. If the streets are slick I am not going

  6. Dave says it's supposed to start warming up. It may be wet, but not icy. If it is, I agree with you that you shouldn't go.

  7. weather channel says it will just be rain and the temps will rise so I guess we will leave when James gets here
