Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Progress For Annie

My cats, with the exception of Merlin, are uncomfortable with crowds. When we have guests at the house, even if they've seen the person before, they hide. On Thanksgiving, when my house filled up with family, Annie took advantage of the fact that most of her housemates were hidden. She took this opportunity to come out of her hiding place, and wonder the house. She was nervous, but she quickly warmed up to the fact that she was free to roam. She did the same thing again during our Christmas party. Well, she must have enjoyed herself, because she is coming out of her hole more often, and staying out for longer periods of time. She still spooks easily, and rushes back into hiding when things are too rambunctious, but I'm very proud of her. She never did like rough housing with the other cats, but I'm hoping she'll get to a point where she'll run and play with toys again. It's not perfect yet, but I thank God for every minute she spends with us.

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