Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Catching Up

Since I haven't written in a couple of days, I thought it might be a good idea to touch base with my friends. We had such a busy weekend. Friday night was the Christmas party for the radio station, Saturday was our family Christmas party, and Sunday night I went over to Highway to sing with my fellow church members. By comparison, this week has been pretty routine and uneventful. I've already bought Dave's Christmas gifts, and they're wrapped and under the tree, so even Christmas shopping isn't on the agenda. Dave and I have one more Christmas party to go to Thursday night, then we plan to relax Friday, and have a quiet Christmas together Saturday, just the two of us. We have some leftover turkey we brought home from Friday night's party, so I'm hoping I can talk him into making his amazingly delicious turkey and rice soup. Yum.
Please, keep us in our prayers. Some minor disturbances have occurred at the radio station. I want God to intervene, and help them settle them before they become problematic. The business is on the upward swing, and I hate to see it brought down by misunderstandings. Also, pray for me. I seem to be coming down with a cold or something. My throat was terribly sore last night and this morning. It's better now, but I still have the stuffiness. I also seem to be going thought a bit of a blue spell. I'm hoping it's because of my sickness, and will go away when I'm well.


  1. I am so sorry you have been sick.
    I pray you be well and in good spirits soon!

  2. I will pray with you. God can do anything. He has already worked a miracle at the reason now to doubt

    Hope you get better daily, bitsi

  3. Bitsi, pray you are feeling better. This crazy weather does not help..dry one day..damp the next. Hot then cold. Who knows how to dress. I agree with Norma. God gave you guys a miracle concerning Dave's job. Let's claim it as being so still.

    We had so much fun at you guys home last Saturday. Those turn around trips almost kill me but it was worth it.

  4. Thanks for all the prayers. I think the station will be ok, I just hate that this has occurred at a time when things were going so well. I don't think anyone has a problem with Dave, but I don't want him to get caught in the middle of anything.
    My throat is better, but the cold has moved down to my chest. I guess that's the normal progression. I ate the rest of Dave's Chicken noodle soup yesterday, and called it my medicine. :)

  5. It is a delicious medicine. I, too will pray all will be well at the station. I pray you will soon be well.
