Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Our Family Christmas Fun

When I was a child, all my brothers and sisters used to gather at Mom's house for Christmas. We'd eat, visit, and share gifts. It was a fun time. Later, this tradition was moved to my Sister, Glenda's house. By then, our family had grown to include spouses, children, and step children, so we began a new tradition to save money. Mom sewed huge quilted stockings for each of us, which we filled with $5 stocking stuffer gifts. We drew names for the one big gift we were to buy. After Mom and Dad moved from Irving to Paris, we were able to continue this tradition a couple of times before Mom and Dad became unable to travel. My sisters' families and I still continued to meet in Irving. By this time we had omitted the stocking gifts, but dinner and a nice visit were still alive and well, then back to Paris to drop me off home and see Mom and Dad (I was living with my parents at the time).
In 2002, when I married, Dave and I spent our first Christmas continuing the tradition of meeting at Glenda's in Irving. We drove down on Christmas Eve, and spent the night at the hotel in Reunion Tower. We ate at the restaurant in the famous rotating ball, then went back to our room to open our gifts to eachother and watch "It's A Wonderful Life." Believe it or not, that was the first time I'd seen the movie all the way through. We got up the next morning, Checked out, then drove to Glenda's for our Christmas visit. We had some fun times.
In 2004 something happened to change us forever. We lost our dear mother. The entire year passed in a hazy blur, and before we knew it, then Holiday season had sneaked up on us. Not wanting to go anywhere, but still wanting to see my family, I planned a Christmas party. We had been dealt a terrible blow, and my goal was a Christmas free of stress and anxiety. We would have it the Saturday before Christmas, leaving Christmas day free for each family to fulfill thier own Christmas plans without the added stress of working my party into the days' already busy schedule. We'd meet and my home, have a dinner, and play a gift exchange game. In keeping with the theme of stress-free, we made sure everyone knew they were invited, but only the ones who wanted to play the game were to bring a gift. Nobody was to feel obligated in any way. Not only was the party a success, but it has become a new tradition, and grown into more games and fun.
So this Saturday, I look forward to entertaining my brothers (if they come), sisters, nieces, nephews, and anybody else who wants to share the fun. We're planning to have soups and cornbread for our meal, and of course deserts and snacks will be readily available. We'll play bingo for small game prizes that Glenda and I have picked up throughout the year, and of course, our main gift exchange game, where we get a chance to swap and steal (but in fun). I don't know how long we'll continue this latest of Christmas traditions, but I know I plan to enjoy it for as many years as it lasts.


  1. I always have fun at your home. I also look forward to Saturday. I Christmas shopped today...OUCH~

  2. I have a tree!!!! Perry put me up a little one we used to have for the kids in the garage. My husband is so sweet. He even put out my Christmas dishes.

  3. I'm so glad you get to have a tree. Perry really is a good guy.

  4. What a beautiful summary of Christmases gone by, Jennifer. You said it all so beautifully. I look forward to Saturday. It will be OUR Christmas completely and we plan to enjoy every minute of it

  5. Good to see you Tuesday. Hope you are in better spirits. I am praying for you. I have missed our Friday visits.
    Love you!
