Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Sunday, December 19, 2010

These Hats Were Made For Walkin'

Neither one of us is what I would consider lazy, but Dave and I had gotten into the bad habit of plopping down in front of the TV at the end of the day, and not moving until bedtime (well, Dave's bedtime, anyway...). Of course, I had my knitting, and he gathered his news stories for the radio, so it's not like we were just wasting time, but both of us felt we needed to do something to break the cycle of inactivity. At the beginning of Spring, Dave mapped out a little mile and a half trail (of sorts) through our neighborhood, and we begun walking. Since Dave has to get up so early, we decided the best time to go is in the evenings around 6pm. This gives him a chance to unwind from work, but it's still too early to start his news gathering. Spring is such a beautiful time of year, and I enjoyed, so much, looking at peoples' gardens, and watching them grow. Summer came, and we managed to keep these walks up until the very hottest days of August, but after one summer walk, I was actually dizzy by the time we got home. We discontinued the walks until the latter part of September, when the temps started to cool back down, and this is where the hats come in...
We had an early cool snap last month, but decided to walk our walk anyway. By the time we got home, our ears were numb. that's when I decided to knit us both hats to wear during our winter walks. I finished Daves and knitted half of mine, while I was sitting at the hospital with my sister and her husband. When I had completed both hats, I tried several times to get a photo of Dave and I wearing out new matching hats, but none of the shots were good. I found out that when you hold the camera in front of yourself, the result is not good at all, so in each picture, whoever was holding the camera looked terrible. During yesterday's party, I saw the perfect opportunity to get my desired picture. There were plenty of people willing to take it for me, but Dave, after all our failed attempts, and not liking the way he looks in hats anyway, refused to put his on. The best I could get from him, is a picture of me wearing mine, while he sat by me and held his up. What a spoiler you were, Dave.... :)