Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Big Plans Tomorrow

Between Dave's busy work schedule and my sickness, I had pretty much accepted that I would miss the year end sale at The Woolie Ewe. I told Dave that my shopping spree at the Philosophy website was a good substitute. I enjoyed browsing thier website, and I have a package to look forward to (I love getting packages in the mail). I don't need anymore yarn or knitting supplies anyway, do I? Apparantly, Dave thinks I do. When he got home from work yesterday, he informed me that things had slowed down a bit at the station, enabling him to take a personal day. We'll drive to Plano early tomorrow. He'll drop me off at Woolie Ewe, while he goes on to Costco for our monthy stock up of cat food, litter, and other things. He'll then pick me up (I hope), and we'll go eat at our favorite Chinese food place, and hopefully be home by 3.
I hope I can sleep tonight. Normally, I can't when I'm excited about something.


  1. Have a good day tomorrow. Dave is so good and it will be good for both of you.

    Dr says things are looking good....he still dug and dug and cut out 3 stitches .. I didn't even know I had any of those in there. Hope the oncologist wanted them

    Had to take a pain pill on the way home... be back next week...and so on and so on

  2. Hope you have a really good day. Maybe you'll find some really neat yarn with good bargains.
    I pray you have a good, restful sleep so you can enjoy your day without being tired out. I pray God keep you safe on your trip!
