Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Lots Of Cereal

After Church today, Dave and I went grocery shopping at Kroger for all the items we're going to need for our family Christmas party Saturday. I think Kroger has some of the best prices in town for most of the stuff we need. Dave is planning to make a Chex Mix, and wouldn't ya know it...Chex cereals are on sale! In fact, a lot of different cereals are on sale, and Dave, being a big cereal eater, took the opportunity to stock up. In fact, he bought so much cereal that we jokingly campared him to Seinfeld.


  1. I have discovered I love multi grain Cheerios. I have never been a big cereal eater but they are good!

  2. My all time favorite is Lucky Charms but I do like all the cherios that I have tasted. I guess Honey Nut is my favorite Cherios. I also like the natural cereals that are in the little boxes. I can't remember the brand since I haven't bought any for a long time. I really don't eat much cereal. I don't know why because I do like it.
