Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Today, I had a pleasant, and very welcome, surprise. My sister, Glenda, arrived earlier than her doctor appointment, and decided to come by. We sat out back and had a lovely visit before she had to go. We talked about plants, pets, house cleanining, and even bugs (ew!) It was so relaxing and fun.

Glenda, we had prayer for you at tonight's prayer meeting, and we're continuing to pray. You're surgery is going to be a complete success, and you're going to feel better than you have in a long time. I ask this in Jesus' name- Amen.


  1. Amen!! I will agree with that.
    Glenda, sorry to have missed seeing you but I know how tiring doctors and traveling can be. See you next week and I am praying for you. Perry, too.

    I enjoyed prayer meeting, too.

  2. Bitsi, I enjoyed the short visit, too. The appointments were long and much , much waiting. I was exhausted and drained and past ready to be home so I missed getting to visit with Norma and Zita...

    Thanks for the prayers. I claim all in Jesus Name.
