Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Friday, November 26, 2010


Well, our Thanksgiving went really well, in spite of a little snag. Actually, it was a big snag. The turkey took a hour longer to cook than anticipated. There we were will all our veggies and side dishes all ready to eat, and no turkey. The day could have gone down in our minds as a failure, but it didn't. It just gave our family a chance to visit, and share stories about thier own little Thanksgiving turkey hitches. When the turkey was done, Dave rewarmed all the side dishes, and we ate our delicious meal. In the end, it was a great day.
I hope everyone's Thanksgiving was filled with many blessings.


  1. Glad your Thanksgiving was a success. Perry and I were alone. We fixed a pot roast. It was odd not being with family but guess we better get used to that.

  2. I had a wonderful time, Jennifer. It was really great food

    I was with you in Spirit Glenda & Perry

    I will see you when you are down for your surgery

    God bless you both

  3. Great time, great food, great company. I enjoyed it.
    Pot roast sounds wonderful, too. Don't get many of them anymore. There's something to be said for a quiet day with your husband.
    I spent my birthday alone. I even got off work at 10:00 because the kids were low. I enjoyed the time though. i watched TV and I crocheted(SP) a lot.
