Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Election Day

I have never been more glad to see an election day in my life, because that means it's finally over. I am so tired of all the calls asking who I'm voting for and why. In the last week or two, it seems I've gotten a call every day. I told Dave the next time someone calls and asks me who I'm voting for, I'm going to say, "The one who hasn't bugged me to death."
I remember a day when nobody would dare ask who someone was voting for. It was considered rude, and an invasion of privacy. What has happened to make good manners a thing of the past?


  1. I agree. Even though I rarely answer my home phone i recieved a few calls, too.

  2. I did not get a call. Never have voted guess they know there is no use to bother me

  3. I was bombarded this year..I agree with Bitsi..leave me alone!!!! I also got a bunch of cards in the mail...a lot of franking going on..and let's not forget the smear commercials on tv...gross
