Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Bringing In The Plants

Well, it's that time again. The time of year, when the outdoor temperatures at night begin to dip too low for my houseplants, and I have to bring them indoors. We chose this weekend because I can't do the heavy lifting and ladder climbing myself, and Dave is too busy during the week. We watched the Dallas Cowboys Football game (which we won!), then began the time consuming task, which includes bringing each plant in, watering it, then choosing a location. I always get so overwhelmed during the process. I have a small house, and it looks so cluttered with freshly watered plants lining (and dripping onto) the kitchen counteres. Have I mentioned that I hate clutter? Keeping the indoor cats from escaping, is another challange, but with Dave's help, we always manage. Now my house smells fresh, and is green with life, until next Spring. I've included a couple of photos. This isn't even nearly all the plants, but it's enough to show you the effect. I'm very proud of us, and it was well worth the effort. I've come to the realization that I've neglected my house long enough. I have some work to do in the yard, and a few odd housecleaning tidy-ups, and my house will be back in shape...just in time for Thanksgiving.


  1. I am so glad you had a good day. Looks like you accomplished a lot. YEA the cowboys won. Looked good playing.

    I am looking forward to Thanksgiving.
    I go to Dallas tues..keep me in your prayers. I have to see the infectious disease dr and Dr Phelps my oncologist.

    I am gonna ask if I can drive. we will see

  2. Are you going to tell him how naughty you are, because you've already been driving? ;)

  3. He's a she and she had her baby last week so my appt was cancelled... I am just gonna drive. I go next week and see one of her collegues( I don't know how to spell that word)

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