Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Doubting Thomas- Just A Thought

Dave and I were talking last week about Thomas. Lately, I have been having a hard time blindly trusting. There is a certain thing Dave and I have been praying about, but I'm still worried. Dave assures me that it will be ok, but I want to see for myself. In fact, I almost need to see for myself. Of course, this always leads to the usual comments about doubting Thomas. We use his example to gently (or sometimes not so gently) scold someone for not having enough faith. It's almost like an insult to be compaired to Thomas, but lets think about it. Did Jesus love Thomas less than the others disciples because he wanted to see? No. God knows there are going to be times when we want to see. Of course nothing compairs to the peace we feel when we just believe; When we just know God is taking care of all that concerns us, but as humans, there will always be times when, like Thomas, we want to see with our eyes. And sometimes, like He did with Thomas, God allows us to see...


  1. Good thought. I pray that God grant you your desire to see. It is all in His hands.

  2. He is in control and he knows the desire of your heart. Your comments are very good.

    I feel like the situation is in God's hands and everything is ok. Trust and know that He works for the good. You are right sometimes he holds us and lets us see. I wish I could see the other side of our dilema. Oh to just know

  3. Norma, I'm going to try. I've driven the area, shown Max's picture, and left my cell number with a few folks. I think it's time for me to back off, and trust God to take care of him...Even if I never know...
    I wonder if God asked us to just trust, because it gives us so much more peace of mind than worrying and wanting to see.
