Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Another Good Day

Saturday mornings are Dave's time to take it easy. His alarm doesn't ring at 4am, which allows him to sleep until 9 or 9:30am. Being a night person, I'm never awake of a morning. This gives him the opportunity to relax in his recliner, have a cup of coffee, and read his paper until I drag myself out of bed (usually around noon, give or take).
This morning started out much the same until around 11. Dave woke me up and asked me if I wanted to go to Dallas. My sister, Norma, is at Baylor hospital, and he thought it would be nice for us to go visit her. We had a great trip down. We talked, listened to 60's music, and laughed a lot. Norma looked so good, and seems to be in such good spirits. Her doctor is confident they caught the cancer at an early stage, and removed it. She is discussing Norma's case with fellow Doctors to help determine if precautionary radiation treatments are needed, but she (the doctor) feels the cancer is gone, Praise God!
After our visit, Dave and I stopped by Costco to stock up on cat litter, cat food, and several other items we buy in bulk monthly. We then went to our favorite Chinese restaurant for a lovely dinner before heading home. I can't remember the last time I spent a day free of worry and stress. I still miss Max very much, but he's in a great home, where he's happy and cared for. But more importantly, the fear I've been living with since the last of September, the fear that I was going to lose my two eldest (and much loved) sisters, is gone.

Thank you, God, for your healing touch, and for the peace I feel at this moment. Please help me to stay focused on you instead of the worries that steal that peace. Please bless Norma with a complete and speedy recovery, and provide a successful surgury for Glenda. Be with Zita in her home and work. Keep Dave safe, and give him the strength to do the extra tasks he's been given. He's tired, but he's happier than I've seen him in a long time. Please, bless him for his willingness to do for others. Thank you for him, Father. In Jesus' name- Amen.


  1. Jennifer,
    Did you ever try to find "I Claim The Blood Stains" on youtube? I did. They have a bunch of people singing it. I listened to the one by the Nelons. It didn't play the whole thing on my computer but it did have a vese and the chorus and I thought it sounded really pretty.
    I've been reading your blog everyday even tho I haven't signed in and commented. You have not wrote everyday but you sure have wrote more than me. Please write whenever you feel inclined because I really enjoy reading it each night.
    I really had a good time at prayer meeting and I am so glad Norma got to come home.
    Thank you for your prayers. I amen them.
    Love and prayers, Zita

  2. By the way it is written by The Hemphills.
