Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Saturday, November 13, 2010

A Thread Of Hope

For the last three days, Dave and I have been going over to the area where Max and Peace went missing. I've been worried out of my mind about them, because they're indoor cats and I worry they may not be street smart enough to survive outdoors. Today, during our search, we happened to meet a very nice woman. Her backyard is directly across the small street that runs behind the apartment building where the cats live. She was having a garage sale today, so she was outside. I went over to her, explained what happened, and asked her if she'd seen the cats. She told me she hadn't but she'd be looking. In the course of the conversation, I found out she feeds and cares for the neighborhood cats. Her friend, who was helping her with the sale told me she has the strays spayed and neutered so they won't overpopulate. Wow! A woman after my own heart. I left my cell phone number, thanked her, and told her I felt better knowing that food was available to them. She told me, with conviction in her voice, that if they stayed in the area, they'll find food.

Thank you, God, for the miracles you do everyday. Thank you for all the animal lovers out there, who care for your little creatures, and thank you for the peace I feel, knowing they're chances for survival are good. Help me hold onto that peace when the wee hour of the night haunt me, as they often do. Please, keep the cats in this area of safety until they overcome thier fears and make it home. Please, Father, I still ask you to bring the cats safely home, and restore to Sis JoAnne, all that was stolen from her.


  1. amen...ain't God good. He knows what concerns us

  2. Please help me pray they're still in that area, and will be ok until they're found. As night falls, and distractions are no longer available, worry sets back in.

  3. How bout them ccowboys!

    I am praying. Jo Anne had a terrific headache tonight remember her when you pray

  4. Jennifer, My cat Stinky was missing for more than six weeks. I worried and prayed for his safe return and when I thought i would never see him again the other morning he was standing at the back door just waiting to be let in. He is a little thinner but otherwise healthy. He is an indoor/outdoor cat
