Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Friday, November 26, 2010

A Max Sighting

God is so good. Today, I was allowed to see Max. One of the neighbors in that area lives in a house, whose backyard faces the back of the apartment building, where Max used to live with sis JoAnne. I had given this woman a current photo of Max with my name and phone numbers on the back, and she's been helping me look. Around 1pm today, I got a call from her, telling me she'd seen him hanging around the back of the apartments. Dave and I went over there to check it out, and it was Max. He was laying on the concrete storm drainage area that runs behind the appartments. My heart just leapt with joy. This is the first time I've seen him since we rehomed him in October, and he just looked so good. I guess he's forgotten us, because he ran away as we got closer. He ran along the back of the building and disappeared around the corner. By the time we got to the corner, he was gone. We hung around for a bit, calling him, but he never returned.
Now most people would consider it a disappointment to get so close and still leave the area without him, but I've chosen to look at it as an answered prayer. I have been out of my mind with worry. My illness causes my imagination to run wild, and I had so many unanswered questions: What if he's hungry? What if he's injured? What if he's (God forbid) dead? Well, now I can speak to those questions and doubts. I saw him with my own eyes today, and he looked fed, unharmed, and very much alive.

Thank you, God, for allowing me to see him. Now my prayer is that he'll find a home with somebody who'll love him as much as I do. I'll still go over there everytime I get a call, because I'd love nothing more than for him to be reunited with Peace and Sis JoAnne, but if that's not to be, then Please, Father God, let him find someone. Please don't make him have to live the life of a street cat. He deserves a home. Please lead him to the perfect companion for him. If that is us, we'll gladly bring him home. If not, please lead him to that forever home.


  1. Praise the Lord. I told Jo Anne about it. She has been in bed for two days. She said she hadn't even taken her gown off. She is happy he is healthy and will try to sight him too

  2. Praise God! I'm glad he is okay1

  3. We saw him again today. We brought a can of food over, but he's just too nervous to come to us. I'm hoping that if we're persistant, he'll eventually come to us. One of the neighbors told us he's there regularly, sitting by the window. I guess he got out the window, so that's how he's trying to get back in.

  4. I am so sorry I didn't make much sense when you called last. Some times it is more than I can take and I never know when it will hit. I did that way about half way thru my conversation with Glenda today. I just go lay down awhile. nurse says it is probably harmones added to all my other stresses
