Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Another Ray Of Hope

I got a call from Sis JoAnne today. Max is still missing, but she did find Peace, her Siamese cat. She had been in a fight, and had to be stitched up, but the vet says she'll be fine. This news gives new hope that Max may still be found, and returned safely home. Sis JoAnne says that Peace is physically going to be ok, but she's acting mopey. She keeps going back to all the places in the house Max used to sleep, and crying for him. We really need to pray about this, because if someone has taken Max in, and he doesn't come home, Peace needs to settle in and be happy. Of course our ultimate prayer is that Max, too, returns safely home.

Please, God, let it be so. He is so missed and loved by so many. Please, lead him home, or show somebody where to find him. You are our only hope...


  1. Jo Anne came over and vacuumed today and she told me about Peace and that she had called you and felt better after talking to you. "Let the prayer for Peace & Max be fulfilled, Lord"

  2. I'm so glad JoAnne got her cat back and I pray Max makes it back home, too.

  3. I'm glad she felt better, Norma. I don't remember exactly what I said, but I'm glad it was the right thing. I think the return of Peace gave me renewed hope in the possibility that Max would return. I put his picture up at the Shelter, along with my cell and home numbers, so he wouldn't be in danger if someone took him there.

    Zita, we appreciate all the prayers we can get. It's been a full week, and the chances of his return are not as good as they were at first, but God can lead him home. If he's in a new home, I pray he's happy, but I still wish there was a way I could KNOW he's ok. I may just have to learn to have blind faith, something that is very hard for me where my cats are concerned.
