Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Friday, November 5, 2010

A Change of Mind

This summer, I made a goal to knit using only stashed yarn until the end of this year. I'm a little embarrassed to confess that it's a goal I couldn't keep, but I did pretty well for several months. During that time, I started a Noro Striped Scarf, using the two muted colorways I had in my stash. It isn't a color combo I'd have chosen for the scarf, but it wasn't horrible. On the other hand, I didn't particularly love it either. Then, last month, Dave offered to take me yarn shopping for our anniversary. It had been a hard month, and feeling depressed, and a little rebelious, I accepted that offer. This gave me the opportunity to choose my own two Noro colorways for my next striped scarf. Of course, that made it even harder to work on the scarf I have on the needles that feel so lukewarm about.
Wednesday night, I decided to try a little experiment. I have a Debbie Bliss pattern booklet called "Pure Cashmere," that contains the "Lace & Cables Scarf" pattern. I've knitted this scarf twice for gifts, and both times it was well recieved. The pattern calls for a solid color yarn, but feeling adventurous, I decided to use one of the muted colorways from my Noro Striped Scarf in progress. I hadn't used any of the second skein of browns, so I did a few pattern repeats to see how it would look. The pictures I've taken don't do it justice, but trust me, it's really beautiful. I'm going to frog the original scarf I started, and use the browns to make this scarf....And that means, I can start the other striped scarf anytime!


  1. They both look good to me but I do love that lacy cable look of the second one.
