Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Monday, November 29, 2010

Double Moss Washcloths

Our church likes to pick a family of the month. That means that for an entire month, that family is recognized and honored, and made to feel special. This allows us to show each church member how important they are to the church and how much we all love them. This month was for my cousin's household. A few months ago, Dave made a CD from an old cassette that has special meaning to our families. It is a recording of my mom, my aunt, and his mother performing songs that his mother wrote, with my uncle on guitar. His mother, and mine are both gone to live with the Lord in Heaven, so we all cherish this tape. I wasn't sure if he had it on CD, or how well his cassette tape still played, so I made him a copy of ours.
For the two of his daughters still living at home, I gave little bottles of bath gel along with a hand knitted color coordenating washcloth. I knitted several different patterns, but none of them really looked just right. I decided to create my own, using the double moss stitch from my stitch dictionary, and I was much more happy with the effect. For any of you who'd like to knit a couple, I've included directions for how I made mine:
Double Moss Cloths
Cast on 36 stitches
Rows 1 and 2- K2, P2 to the end of the row
Rows 3 and 4- P2, K2 to the end of row
Knit these four rows 14 times, then repeat row 1. Cast off in pattern, and weave in ends.
Optional: Crochet a border. I just made a simple single crochet border, but the possibilities are endless.

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