Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Prayers For My Sisters

My sister, Glenda, had surgery today. It was a complete success, and she is in the process of recovering, but she's in a great deal of pain. My other sister, Norma's, incision from her surgery doesn't want to heal properly. She has a doctor's appointment Wednesday. Please help me pray for their complete healings. And if you could spare a prayer for my third sister, Zita, and one for me, that would cover us all. Thank you, readers for your continued support.


  1. thank you for your prayers. I pray for you all also. It has been a trying year. I will be glad to see the end of it

  2. Jennifer, I miss your comments. Keep um coming. I am praying with you about Max.

  3. I've just been too busy, and too emotional to write. Maybe next week things will calm down. Thank you for praying about Max. I have a decision to make, and it's just so hard to make it.
