Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Please Pray

Last night, we found out something terrible has happened. Sis JoAnne, our friend who took Max in, came home to find that her apartment had been burgularized. One of the things stolen had tremendous sentimental value for her. If that isn't bad enough, her cat and Max escaped thought the broken window, and haven't been seen since. This all happened while she was out of town, sitting with my sister in the hospital. Please pray for her. She feels terribly guilty about Max missing, even though it isn't her fault. She's no more at fault than I would be if someone had broken into my house and let him out.

Please father, I ask you to please help us. Please restore all that was stolen from Sis JoAnne. She was doing your work, Father, hospital sitting with one of your sick children. Please, God, don't let this happen to her. Stop it in it's tracks. I ask you please, in you holy name, lead the police to her things and allow them to be returned. Watch over her cats. Keep them safe from harm, and lead them home to her, or please help us find them. Please, Father, restore her peace of mind and her sense of safety in her own home. Ease her guilt, and cause her to know that nobody is blaming her for the missing cats. Please, just send them home. I'll be expecting to hear some good news, Father. I ask all this, in your Holy name, Jesus.

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