Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Friday, March 25, 2011

Supporting My Habit

When Dave first told me he no longer had his second job, and we were going to have to budget our money more carefully, I whole heartedley agreed with him. I still do, even when it's hard. As most of you know, I have a very serious Diet Coke habit. I honestly don't know how many I drink per day, but I know I'm never without one. I had quit twice. The first time, I was trying to lose weight and live a healthier life, and the second time I quit them, because I began to feel guilty for starting them back. Both times, I actually stayed soda-pop free for years before starting them back. Of course when I did start drinking them, all the guilt returned. Finally, one day, while in the middle of degrading myself, I thought, "what's wrong with me? It's diet coke, not a drug habit. Why torture myself with guilt?" After that day, I finally decided to just accept that I'm a diet coke drinker, and it's no big deal (nor is it the health and diet industy's business). For the first time in my life, I could fully enjoy a diet coke with no guilt. Well, after Dave and I sat down to figure out what we were our money on, and how we can tighten our budget, we found out something alarming. Since I started back drinking sodas, we've been spending over $100 a month on diet coke. That's not even counting the happy hour drinks I get every day ($30 per month). I guess I should have been feeling guiltier. I know after seeing the numbers, I should be shamed into not wanting them anymore, but people, this is hard. In fact, I haven't fully given them up yet. Twice a week, Dave gets paid from the radio station. He takes out an allowance for him, and one for me, and the rest goes into the household money for bills, food, and such. Last month, I bought my cokes with my own money. I even bought some 2 liter bottles to see if I could afford it that way. I have cut back some, but I guess not enough, because I simply don't have enough money to support my habit, and I don't want it coming out of the household money. It looks like if I want to have any spending money at all, I'm going to have to give up my diet cokes again, because I seem to be incapable of cutting back on the amount I drink. Friday, I get another allowance, and I probably will buy some cokes. I know I'm going to have to quit, but I just am not ready yet.


  1. with us being so broke, soda is the thing thing I feel the guiltiest about. I can't seem to stop. I slow down but I really, really want one to be in my hand all of the time. I practically slowed down to almost nothing twice since my surgery, but every time I get to feeling good about slowing down, I drink twice as many the next week. Used to We bought a 12 pk for me and a 12pk for him each week and other than what we drank at eat out times that was all we drank. That is too many but that would be a cut back.
    Glenda is only allowing herself one a day and I am so proud of her.

    You will have to decide what to do but I know how hard it is to cut back. It is almost easier to do NONE that have discipline.

    I will be praying

  2. Bitsi, the cola habit is a mean one. I fight it all the time. I have limited myself to 1 a day but since my blood sugar was 288 last night..YIKES! Sadly, I may have to give that one up too..I really love the taste of my Vanilla cokes. I feel your pain.

  3. Thanks, sisters. I think I wrote this blog post in a panac, because I just realized I'll run out of cokes before my next allowance. And I'm absolutely NOT going to use the household money for it. I couldn't even if I wanted to.

  4. God will help you.......he always has
